Each individual’s day is uniquely structured so they can participate in the activities that are important to them. Program staff convene intake meetings with each participant and their circle of support to develop an Individualized Service Plan (ISP) and get to know their interests, hobbies and personality, as well as vocational interests and goals.
Our modern location will provide areas for large group activities, as well as private therapy rooms—including Snoezelen rooms, which offer specialized equipment and materials for sensory therapy—where individuals can work on personalized goals. Program participants regularly attend community outings, including trips to museums, parks and community events.
Our Day Programs assist individuals in achieving personal goals and accessing services, including:
- Personal safety awareness
- Vocational skills
- Independent living skills
- Positive behavioral supports
- Communication skills
- Anger management
- Decision making
- Mobility training
- Sensory development
- Volunteer work
- Obtaining paid employment
- Attending college